
I’m a researcher currently working at the university of Seville, Spain. My work has been focused on variability-intensive systems and more concretely, software product line engineering which is about producing a set of related products that share more commonalities than variabilities. Feature models are widely used for variability and commonality management in software product lines. Feature models are information models where a set of products are represented as a set of features in a single model. The automated analysis of feature models deals with the computer-aided extraction of information from feature models. In this context, we have applied such techniques to real-world scenarios such as the android fragmentation and the video-sequences analysis.

Applied results

A proliferation of mobile smartphone platforms, including Android devices, has triggered a rise in mobile application development for a diverse set of situations. Testing of these smartphone applications can be exceptionally difficult, due to the challenges of orchestrating production-scale quantities of smartphones such as difficulty in managing thousands of sensory inputs to each individual smartphone device. We have proposed the use of automated analysis to guide the testing of Android applications.

Also, the acquisition, processing, and analysis of video sequences find applications in our daily life. Surveillance applications, computer-aided medical imaging systems, traffic control, and mobile robotics are some examples. Such software-intensive systems rely on signals captured by video cameras, which are then, processed through a chain of algorithms. Basic signal processing algorithms are assembled in different ways, depending on the goal of image recognition (scene interpretation, follow a specific object, etc.). The algorithms produce numerical or symbolic information helpful for humans or subject to subsequent analysis. For example, rectangles covering the zone of a specific object help tracking people or vehicles in motion. In this project, we managed to evaluate computer vision algorithms such as those used for surveillance or rescue operations.

Current interests

Recommender systems, software visualization, variability-intensive systems.


José Ángel Galindo Duarte
University of Seville
Email: jagalindo@us.es