ObjectGen is a tool for generating test objectives from use cases.

Use cases are written in XML files. First, an activity diagram (XMI file) is generated from every use case. Then, test objectives are identified traversing the activity diagrams.

Tool is still in a early development phase, however, it is functional. There is not documentation, so use it at your own risk. However, I will answer any question by email at javierj(a) lsi.us.es

09/28/2006 You can download ObjectGen 0.03 from here.

07/21/2006 You can download ObjectGen 0.02 from here.

06/17/2006 You can download ObjectGen 0.01 from here.

Source code is included in both versions. Version 3 is comming soon.


Here, there is some examples of use cases and activity diagrams generated with ObjectGen. XMI files have been rendered using the open source tool StarUML.


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