QUIVIR Research Group - OPbus project
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OPbus project



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The main project's goals  are:
  • Optimization of business process
It aims to use techniques of Scheduling / Planning derived from the field of Artificial Intelligence, which allows the optimization in time and resources to support business processes. By optimizing processes supported by TICs companies can also increase the level of customer service, can achieve a quick ROI (Return On Investment) of the solution implemented.
  • Fault Diagnosis in business process using derivated techniques of AI
The design of business processes using graphical models, and its transformation to a readable format by the machines, does not guarantee that these models are free of errors. A bad design in the business process can lead to outcomes that are not expected. Our goal is to diagnose those systems that do not generate the expected results, trying to isolate what elements are causing the malfunction. To accomplish this objective can be applied diagnostic techniques based on models adapted to graphical models that represent a BPM system. This adjustment will be made based on the use of constraint programming.

Traditional methods of process analysis can be divided into three categories: Validation, Verification, and Performance. Validation methods involved in determining whether the designed business process can be automatically activated as expected. Through this analysis, possible syntax errors or violations should be detected and corrected. The methods of verification are engaged or logical semantic conflicts that are hidden in the processes designed and could lead to unsuccessful implementation of the process from beginning to end. Finally, the performance analysis is based on the quality of service (QoS) from the processes designed. We propose to use fault diagnosis techniques based on models derived from the field of Artificial Intelligence. Also investigate the design of integrated metaprocesos and conflict detection mechanisms (CDM), which plays a role of considerable help designers understand procesos. Conflicts as events that could lead to a particular design process violation that take effect in the normal or expected results.
  • Fault tolerance in business process
Once detected and identified of particular faults it is necessary to recover the processes as soon as possible. In the design phase will seek the earliest correction of design errors by facilitating the work ofdesigners and when business processes are in production and to be tolerant to possible breaches could be applyed fault tolerance techniques based either on redundancy, diversification or redevelopment of the corresponding process activities.
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Send comments and suggestions to: gasca@lsi.us.es
Page last modified on June 22, 2010, at 05:04 PM