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Faculty Members

Rafael M. Gasca, PhD

María Teresa Gómez, PhD

Pablo Neira Ayuso, PhD

Sergio Pozo Hidalgo, PhD

Rafael Ceballos, PhD

Fernando de la Rosa, PhD

Miguel Toro, PhD

Diana Borrego, PhD

Ángel Jesús Varela Vaca, PhD

Luisa Parody, PhD

José Miguel Pérez Álvarez


TDiaCO-BPMS (2010)

OPbus (2009)

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CombiS-BP Editor

CombiS-BP Editor is an extension of OPBUS Tool. In addition to OPBUS Tool features, CombiS-BP Editor enables to combine an imperative and declarative specification of a business process.



  • Extension of OPBUS plugin (threats and risk annotations)
    • GMF-based plugin graphical editor with BPMN support.
    • Model validation in-line. Changes in validations are reflected on-the-fly in the editor.
    • Graphical annotation for risk evaluation.
    • Properties views to configure transformation and risk metrics.
    • Automatic transformation of models to constraint models. Changes in transformation templates are reflected on-the-fly in the editor.
    • Automatic evaluation of the models using constraint solvers. Easy integration with different CSP solvers in the market such as Comet, Choco or JaCOP.
  • BPMN Modelling Support (imperative description) + CombA Supbprocess (declarative description)


CombiS-BP Editor makes possible to include BPMN 2.0 components in an imperative way by means of using a declarative element, called CombA Sub-Process.

CombiS-BP Editor integrates a BPMN 2.0 modeller that enables the creation of CombA Sub-Process. The
user interface is composed of four main parts: edition zone, palette, properties and problem tabs, and a project workspace zone with basic menus. Business experts model the common BP in the edition zone. In this part, declarative and imperative specifications are differentiated through the different elements used in the process. The palette provides the graphical definition of BPMN elements (imperative specification) and CombA (declarative specification), which can be selected and dropped into the edition zone.

The marker associated to CombA Sub-Process graphical definition in the palette is a set of puzzle pieces symbol, and to CombA Task (activities involved in the combination), the graphical definition is a unique puzzle piece symbol. CombA Flow is a solid line that can connect only CambATask with CombA Sub-Process. The declarative
definition is completed with the properties part, which provides support for the definition of elements details.

Video demo (low quality version)


[1] L. Parody, M. T. Gómez-López, and R. M. Gasca, “Extending BPMN 2.0 for Modelling the Combination of Activities that Involve Data Constraints” in BPMN 2012 Workshop. Vienna, Austria. 12-14 September 2012, pp. 68–82. ISBN 978-3-642-33154-1. 

[2] L. Parody, M. T. Gómez-López, R. M. Gasca and A. J. Varela Vaca, “CombiS-BP Editor: Combining Declarative and Imperative Languages in BP Modelling” in RCIS 2013. Paris, France. 29-31 May 2013, pp. 663-664. ISBN: 978-1-4673-2914-9.

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For more information, please do not hesitate to contact in lparody@us.es
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Page last modified on January 10, 2014, at 12:28 PM